First of all: YOU'RE DOING GREAT. How do I know? Because you're here reading this blog looking for answers on how to do right by yourself AND your business. Showing up is no small potatoes and I applaud you! BUT you're also here because, don't FEEL like you're doing great. In fact, sometimes you feel like a fraud and like you have no idea what you're doing. Honestly, SO DO I! (Why do you think I decided to write this post?!). But we are NOT alone- not by a long shot. In fact, we're so not alone that there's even a psychological phenomenon named after what we're feeling. It's called "IMPOSTER SYNDROME". But the GREAT NEWS is that there are so many (super easy, non-intimidating, non-"therapy"-feeling) tools you can use to get over your imposter syndrome and starting owning your worth. Keep reading to find out what MY TOP 5 WAYS OF DEALING WITH IMPOSTER SYNDROME are so you can start implementing them into your work and life: Because the world deserves to hear what you have to say!
Tea Time w/ Kelsey FormostTHE BLOG: These bite-sized tips are very helpful Kelsey, thank you. Your way of not making me feel stupid and sending them with love makes all the difference. Thank you - keep them coming! -LIZ KIMBALLArchives
January 2019
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